May 21, 2024

As we inch closer to the sweltering days of the summer, prepare for the El Paso temperatures to reach their zenith. June, the hottest month of the year in our region, has an average temperature of a scorching 96 degrees. Consequently, it’s time to take the necessary measures to protect both yourself and your automobile.

The experience of your car beginning to overheat can be quite unnerving, with the potential consequences equally distressing. An overheated engine can inflict serious damage on your car. Moreover, it can abruptly leave you stranded amidst nowhere with the mercury level soaring to triple digits. Today, at Casa Ford, we delve into the tell-tale signs of overheating and the steps you should adhere to in case your engine overheats.

Watch for the Signs

Your engine typically relays information through unusual sounds to indicate the need for maintenance. Similarly, it generally gives a warning before it starts overheating. Four indicators that your engine is on verge of overheating include:

1. Smoke-like steam escaping from under the hood.

    2. An unusually sweet odor coming from the engine.

    3. Engine temperature gauge needle rapidly moving towards the red.

    4. Flashing of the “Check Engine” light or any similar indicator.

    Steps to Follow When Your Engine Overheats

    1. Switch Off the Air Conditioner and Crank Up the Heat

    Though it seems wildly counterintuitive, this is the first step you should immediately take once you suspect the engine is overheating. Switching off the air conditioner alleviates stress on the engine, while increasing the heat in the cabin diverts the heat away from the engine.

    1. Keep Calm, Spot a Safe Place to Pull Over, & Turn the Engine Off

    When living in such a sudden, unsettling moment, the most important thing to remember is to stay calm. Your new Mustang is not on the verge of an imminent explosion; succumbing to panic increases your chances of committing a blunder leading to permanent damage. Gradually continue driving until you find a safe place to pull over. Once stopped, turn off the engine and monitor the temperature gauge, which should start reverting to normal as the engine cools down.

    1. Decide on Your Plan of Action

    This scenario highlights the importance of charging your phone before setting off on any drive. Your car requires immediate attention from a nearby garage – ideally our award-winning Service Department, though it depends on your location. Call your preferred roadside assistance provider and have your vehicle towed, if necessary. If your engine has cooled and you think you will be able to drive to the nearest mechanic, cautiously restart the engine and continue driving. Keep monitoring the temperature gauge. If it starts rising again, pull over and let the system cool down again.

    Give Your Engine the Care of Casa Ford

    Though you now have the necessary knowledge to deal with these volatile situations, the question remains of what caused the overheating. There could be multiple reasons why your vehicle overheated; a coolant system leak, defective water pump, or low engine oil level could all be potential culprits.

    To maintain your engine’s wellbeing, schedule your service appointment at Casa Ford. Our highly skilled technicians will identify the issue with your engine and provide oil changes, brake and battery inspections, and anything else your vehicle requires. Despite the high temperatures outside, we always stay cool and collected here at Casa Ford.